One day at a time

So here we are. I’ve made it to 5w3days! It’s a miracle that is all I can say about that. My HCG levels have been rising. I even did one of those Detect5 progression tests which indicates my HCG is now over 10 000! Can you believe that!? I certainly cannot. There is still an agonising wait for my 1st scan on the 1st of May – I’m dying to get a glimpse of that heartbeat. I realise that a lot of women don’t get to see a heartbeat at 6w3days… but I know if I am one of them, I will be devastated. You can rationalise with me all you like that sometimes it takes longer etc… but I need to see that HB.

DH gets home today. I have not seen him since we found out, so I’m very excited to show him all the tests and baby items I have acquired in just a short time.

I still don’t have any nausea, only very sore bbs and a bit of fatigue. Maybe I am the lucky ones? I suppose it’s still early and my time will come. I find myself wishing I would vomit just so I know that everything is ok!

What’s everyone else’s experiences with morning sickness? When did you get it?


The 16DPO Project

Wednesday I had another round of blood tests to ensure that my beta levels were rising as they should. I felt so blessed that they had risen so much in that 2nd round that I thought I was pushing my luck with the 3rd round. Thankfully, the beta levels doubled nicely over 48 hours to 620 at 16DPO. 

I found a fantastic study called the “16DPO Project” which talks about HCG levels at 16 DPO (I will post the link below). It was such an interesting read and really gave me hope that this is the one. The studies objective was to attain whether HCG levels at 16DPO had an impact on whether the pregnancy would be a success. 


What this study found:

25 – 50 hCG at 16dpo — Four women in this study had hCG levels below 50 at this stage. The researchers concluded that with these levels less than 25% would continue on with their pregnancy with more than 75% miscarrying.

50 – 100 hCG at 16dpo — Of 16 women, 25% continued on with their pregnancies.

100 – 199 hCG at 16dpo — Of 27 women with these levels, 73% continued on with their pregnancies.

200 – 299 hCG at 16dpo — Of 48 women, 96% continued on with their pregnancies

Over 300 hCG — All 105 women continued on with their pregnancies.

Can I just say how much hope that very last line has given me! I was 620 at 16DPO.. and i feel like I can breath. That is not to say that nothing will go wrong, of course. But I feel as though I can calm my anxiety and just let it be. 



POAS Addicts Unite!

I know you are all out there.

I believe my addiction derives from a lack of test progression in the past. All my HPTs have been faint and never really progressed. Every morning, I would not want to waste that perfectly dense FMU so I would pee on a stick hoping to see a darker line than the day before. In my case, I never saw that darker line and the doctor would inform me that the HCG levels are dropping and to prepare myself for the worst. This latest pregnancy has been completely different, I’ve had solid progression and the test line is now darker than the control line! Stop testing NOW you say. Easier said than done, an addict would say.

I hopefully pee’d on my very last stick this morning. It was an Internet Cheapie (IC… get up with the lingo!) and I’ve never had a dark test line (even with this pregnancy)… until today. I feel like I can finally breath. I don’t have any more tests left, and I would feel like a fool to buy more.

Are there any other addicts out there? I would love to hear from you!

Also, I thought I would post my HCG levels here as a record for myself. I’m getting my 3rd round of bloods back today, so I shall add to this later on.

10DPO – 14 (progesterone 26)

14DPO – 276 (didn’t hear about progesterone, but how about that rise! That’s 21 hour doubling time!!)

16DPO – TBA (fingers crossed!)


Fatigue, Sore bbs, burping the main offenders. No Nausea!
