One day at a time

So here we are. I’ve made it to 5w3days! It’s a miracle that is all I can say about that. My HCG levels have been rising. I even did one of those Detect5 progression tests which indicates my HCG is now over 10 000! Can you believe that!? I certainly cannot. There is still an agonising wait for my 1st scan on the 1st of May – I’m dying to get a glimpse of that heartbeat. I realise that a lot of women don’t get to see a heartbeat at 6w3days… but I know if I am one of them, I will be devastated. You can rationalise with me all you like that sometimes it takes longer etc… but I need to see that HB.

DH gets home today. I have not seen him since we found out, so I’m very excited to show him all the tests and baby items I have acquired in just a short time.

I still don’t have any nausea, only very sore bbs and a bit of fatigue. Maybe I am the lucky ones? I suppose it’s still early and my time will come. I find myself wishing I would vomit just so I know that everything is ok!

What’s everyone else’s experiences with morning sickness? When did you get it?

One thought on “One day at a time

  1. I’ve never had morning sickness with my son, and so far on 6w1d just bad nausea if I eat a large meal in the evenings. Be happy! Soar breasts can be bad enough. Hope the next week goes a bit faster towards your scan 🙂

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